Assignment 03 Push Publish

6 Interesting Almanac Selector or Properties

The ::marker pseudo-element is used to style the stylistic marker of ul's or ol's.
Can I Use ::marker ⬇️
The caret property is used to combine two properties (caret-color and caret-shape) together to style the how the cursor in a textbox looks.
Can I Use caret ⬇️
The paint-order property allows you to change to order of SVG shapes and the way they are drawn. You can change the default order of the fill or stroke of the SVG which can result in a more clear and better SVG
Can I Use paint-order ⬇️
The writing-mode property allows you to change the alignment of text on the screen and you can change it to be read from top to bottom or left to right or the other ways around.
Can I Use writing-mode ⬇️
You can use the isolation property when you want to avoid a image or a different element from blending together. It is mostly used when mix-blend is used on another element.
Can I Use writing-mode ⬇️
The order property is used in flex box layouts. You can use the order property to change the order of items from its original order starting from 1 and going up from there.
Can I Use writing-mode ⬇️